I was up this morning at 4:30am and needed cream for my coffee. I walked out to my car and looked up at the still night sky. I noticed very colorful lights blinking in the sky and in my mind thought "airplane". Opening the door to enter my car I looked back up and the lights hadn't moved so I thought the airplane must be coming toward me and just out of curiosity I watched...again I noticed this thing isn't moving! Now I'm really curious so I went back and got my camera, Canon 80d with my Canon 100mm 2.8L Macro lens (longest focal length I own at this time) focused in, not precisely but enough to capture what I was seeing with my eyes and made these 5 images. I wasn't happy with these images because they just didn't represent the light show I was amazed seeing, but here they are anyway for perspective...wait until you see what happens when I slightly defocused my lens!
Now the magic happens in the next 9 images. I defocused my lens slightly and now you can see what i was seeing happen before my eyes. These images were captured in high speed burst mode to give you an idea of the speed of the color shifts in the "twinkle"...
I realize this star system has been around longer than mankind, been photographed a million times and has entire communities that "orbit" this fascinating star. However, for me it was a new discovery, something I learned today that I didn't know yesterday. When the night sky is just right I'll be back out with my camera peering into the night sky to capture the magnificent twinkling star Sirius also known as the "Rainbow Star".
Let me know your thoughts and experiences with this fascinating star!
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My Gear
Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera Body (Black)
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS USM Macro Lens for Canon Digital SLR Cameras
Rodney Glynn